Build Your Tribe, Getting Spiritual Healthy This Fall

Do you know what happens when a group of women pursue healing and freedom together? Breakthrough that lasts happens. Our freedom journey isn’t just about us, it can’t be for it to be life changing!

The last chapter of my book, Freedom!, is about Healing Sisterhood. At first I wondered if I should put it at the beginning, but let me tell you why I didn’t. Some of you are working through deeply personal stuff and you need to read this alone first. You need to lean on Jesus, ugly cry, and sift through everything you are feeling and facing in life. At the beginning of the book, I encourage you to make a Soul Destination Map naming what areas you need breakthrough in and ask you to list three motivations for moving forward. You have to name the things that are causing you to remain stuck and circling the same issues.

What do you need to make peace with?

What areas are you hard on yourself and your worst inner-critic?

What do you need to cling to hopefully?

What do you need to release in the hopes of moving forward?

All of these questions will be asked and answered by you in chapter one! Talk about a plan, right? Getting your fight back is something that you are in charge of, no one can force-feed us freedom. We have to want it.

By the end of the book I want you to know something profound: You need a tribe of women to do life with. I don’t care how independent or introvert-y you are. Don’t you think if we could kick these strongholds in the face on our own, we would in a heartbeat? You need people in your corner that are heading in the same direction as you. If you want to grow it’s time to start building your support group and enlist help. You also need someone who isn’t as far along in this journey as you, she needs exactly what you have to offer. We need each other; it’s that simple but we complicate it by our own insecurities.  I want to help you make time for this instead of listing all the reasons why you can’t build this vital support group!

What would happen if you decided this fall to get spiritually healthy? 

What would happen if you invited a group of friends to join you?

A group of fierce women inspired me recently; together they are pursuing freedom and fitness. Body and soul. Soul and body. Together. They are kicking butt and taking names! The picture of this fierce tribe in the gym together with wide grins and sweat on their faces lit a fire in me… these women are doing healing sisterhood right. Fitness and FREEDOM – sign me up for that!

I wanted to encourage you to start your own Freedom Book Study, whether that’s around a kitchen table, in a gym, church, or swanky coffee shop. It’s not about the location, really, it’s about starting something with a commitment to see each other finish strong and continue to slay your personal giants. Now is the time and I want to help you!

If you are ready to do this, send me a message with this information:

Leader’s name and email.

Where your group is located.

How many people are in your group.

Bonus points: If you gather a group of 7- 10 women (or more) and would like me to do a video chat with your group during one of your meetings, I would LOVE that so much. Nothing would thrill me more than seeing your faces and encouraging you!

If you place a bulk order for 7-10 ladies, I will schedule one video chat with your group.

If you have 10 or more, I will schedule a one-on-one training session with the group leader(s) and one session with your group!

*If you are local or close to NWA, I’ll CRASH YOUR FREEDOM PARTY!

FALL & FREEDOM is in the air… let’s do this thing!!

In your corner,

Jennifer Renee

Thank you, 31.17 Fitness, for being such a big inspiration to our Freedom! Click on this link HERE to order your copies today! 

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