Now What?

When change happens, how do you handle it?

When Holley, Suzie, and I asked this question on our podcast, we realized that our initial response is to try to control some aspect of what is happening in our lives. But, it’s not that simple, is it?

We agreed that it’s okay that we don’t have all the answers. This can be our first step to surrendering whatever we are going through to the Lord.

My process handling hard situations might not look like yours, but that’s okay. Do what works for you. My process looks a little like this:

I retreat. I need to process alone first. Whether that is the introvert in me, or just a woman who has realized that when I am hurting, I need time to sift through my emotions before I respond. Either way, this works best for me. If I don’t process alone, or I’m backed into corner by someone who wants to process verbally, I might say something I don’t mean. And, then the situation becomes worse. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

I reflect on what my heart is feeling before bringing someone else in. I  need time to really think about what is happening and try to make sense of it alone with the Lord.

After I do those two things, I will usually reach out to someone in my inner circle. A BFF, mentor, or prayer warrior. This person has to be a safe person and tight-lipped. If I find out they have told their Mom, Dad, Dog, or husband what is going on in my life…I’m probably not going to tell them deeply personal things in my life again. If I wanted their Mom, Dad, Dog, or husband to know…I would have told them personally. This is a big deal to me. My heart needs to feel safe. I do the same things for the people who share their hearts with me, I keep it between us. Period.

Wading through hard seasons is extremely difficult, especially when you are in leadership like me. I’m in a Now What? season myself and I’m learning so much. God continues to be faithful to me and my family. In the past few weeks, I have resigned my position. Nobody puts Baby in the corner. And, wouldn’t you know it, the minute I did, God placed opportunities in my lap that are a better, safer fit for me. I have cried A LOT trying to heal from a really difficult situation. I have been TICKED all the way off and disappointed in people. It happens, right? Normally, I’m the girl looking for the EXIT sign, eager to pack my bags, and move on to bigger and better things. But, right now, I am staying put and that’s okay, too. God is working behind the scenes and we trust Him.

If you are walking through a Now What? season, take a few minutes to listen to our new podcast. You can listen here or by going to

It’s such a hope-filled conversation, I know it will bless you!

Much love,

Jennifer Renee




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