The Proper Care & Feeding of YOU

I turned 44 on Friday and I cannot tell you how freeing my fab forties have been. I have learned so much– I can’t wait to share more about that later. If I know you the way I think that I do, I’m certain that you aren’t taking care of yourself right now. Amiright?

Neglecting ourselves on a mental and physical level is something women are extremely good at. We label it as selfless and noble but honestly, it’s extremely unhealthy. To a certain extent, I understand how and why we deem everyone’s well being as essential while we are the hardworking side-dish. The nonessentials. “One day I will_____________ when I have more time.” Girl, you are essential right now. Valuable. Now that we have more time, where do you rate on your list of priorities?

This feels completely frivolous, but I am BORED. So…you can do absolutely nothing I suggest and still take good care of yourself. I just thought I would answer some of the questions I get all the time!

“What in the world are you doing for your skin?” And, “how on earth are you so confident when insecurity used to be etched in your DNA?”

To answer that, I guess I finally realized that I matter. I matter to God. And, because of that, I need to matter to myself and carve out space for my well being. It’s the proper care and feeding of, well, me. Scandalous, I know.

I wrote an entire book about freedom to answer the confidence question. And, today I will tackle a few self-care things because… why not? I added a few things that would be lovely Mother’s Day gifts as well.

{This post has affiliate links included.}

Bamboo Laptop Desk

This is one of my favorite things for working from home… in bed looking frumpy. I use mine every day when I need to finish a little work, or mindlessly scroll on social media. 

Cute Sleepwear I love an old, worn-out t-shirt. But, I also like cute sleepwear that I can wear in front of my kids. I have no idea why I care because they hate wearing pants all day every day.

Derma Roller is a MUST HAVE! & hyaluronic acid

I have been using a derma roller at home for YEARS. The tiny injuries from the fine needles signal our skin to produce new collagen. Since our collagen production goes down the crapper as we age… we need extra help in this area. This is helpful for acne scars, fine lines, and for exfoliating. I recommend going on YouTube and watching the pros teach you how to use it correctly. The bottom line, derma rollers encourage collagen and elastin production.

So, does rolling tiny needles all over your face hurt? It’s uncomfortable at first depending on how much pressure you apply. So maybe skip the pressure applying. You do not need to do this every night. Use your derma roller a few minutes after washing your face and before putting on products at night. Save the deep skin resurfacing to the pros. 

Quick tip: I always use hyaluronic acid after using my derma roller and then finish with moisturizer. 

This Jumpsuit is super cute and comfy! I bought this as a birthday gift for myself. It’s my first birthday in quarantine hiding from mouth breathers and adult birthdays can be super lame so… {adds to cart}

NYX Concealer – this costs less than my favorite Tarte brand but still works well and doesn’t feel heavy. 

Tarte Shape Tape – this is by far the best concealer I’ve ever used. It’s pricey but to me, it’s worth it and it lasts a long time. I don’t wear foundation at all now, I mainly use concealer and a contour stick. 

Jade Roller– this helps with lymphatic drainage and my super puffy eyes in the morning. Some people put it in their fridge, but I’m too lazy for that. It’s also fabulous for product absorption. My skin feels like buttah after using it.

Sunscreen– I wear sunscreen EVERY DAY. Back in the day, I worked super hard to get a tan every summer. After having precancerous cells removed a decade ago and a 3-inch scar, I’m super okay with being pasty. I haven’t had a good tan since 1999. Dude, I am getting old. If you’re a young one reading this, start using sunscreen now. I promise you will thank me later when everyone thinks you are younger than your actual age. 

Revlon Ultra HD Matte– I love lipstick. I have owned everything from high-end “don’t tell your momma how much you spent on this” to brands you can find at Walmart, or Target if you’re fancy. I hate reapplying lipstick, so long-lasting is my jam and this is my FAVORITE, everyday lipstick. 

My take on contouring: I avoided it at all cost until I tried contouring sticks. I’m not a Kardashian, but no one contours better than Kim K.W. I actually love her contouring line and it’s not that expensive. But, this is my go-to contouring stick. It’s basically foolproof. If it takes too long to apply, I’m uninterested. I get ready quickly and I want to look like “me” when I’m finished.

Beauty Blenders– because don’t touch your face! I have this exact set and love it. Please tell me that you are cleaning your makeup brushes on the reg. Not touching my face has been problematic and I had no idea how gross I was in the face-touching department till COVID-19.

First Aid Beauty Repair Cream Intense Hydration– I’m a freak when it comes to washing my hands. My hands are really dry right now, thanks to a worldwide pandemic. Everyone, including the people who live with me, looks sketchy to me so I’m sanitizing everything because it’s not nice to hose people down with Lysol. This lotion is a lifesaver. 

Luminoso -Milani Baked Blush is to die for. It’s a NARS dupe on a popular shade the beauty biz swears by. But, the name of the color alone literally makes you blush. (It’s a little naughty and starts with an O.) I dare not type the actual word. I’m sassy, not trashy. 

If you have any favorite products or things we need to try, leave me a comment and share the love!

Please stay safe, hydrated, and well. We are in this together even though we are far removed from everyone and normalcy feels long gone. Stay educated as best you can and when your anxiety levels rise, turn off the news and turn to Jesus. None of this has taken him by surprise. A huge part of self-care is about what you feed that beautiful brain of yours, starve fear and feed your faith. You are so deeply loved.

Jennifer Reneee

11 thoughts on “The Proper Care & Feeding of YOU

  1. Jennifer…I am one of your fourth chair friends. Thank you so much for the post. I am a 2 on the enneagram. Need I say more. I am also a pastor’s wife. I am really trying to press into the truth that I matter to Him, but to matter to myself is the big part. I hope that makes sense. So thank you, dear sister!!!💕

    1. Carolyn, it makes perfect sense! I have lived exactly what you described. Learning to take good care of yourself (guilt free) is so important! Hugs to you!!

  2. Haha…I love that you didn’t say the name of the blush – that brand has several trashy named products, but boy are the colors pretty and the formula silky! Haha 😉

  3. Hey Jennifer
    Fun post to read. I enjoyed it. I am almost 60 and I do know about taking care of my self. I use Plexus Joyome and Collagen for my skin. The Collagen is a powder you add to drink, because as you said, you start losing it after the age of 21….so important to take some. Joyome is a day and night serum… it has 11 active ingredients working hard for us… 2 easy step…I love it…. Love your post and How important it is to take care of ourself, we do matter to God!! We are loved by our Almoght God….amazing truth…

  4. Love this!! Still love that black jumper… you looked fab in it!🖤 and those silk pjs!!! I bought those for my girls but I may need a pair🤔

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