Resolute Courage

“It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt

I read through this quote a few times, I like to do that because the words that I usually focus on, or seem to stand out to me, give me a pretty good indicator on how I am doing emotionally.  Each time I landed on resolute courage over grim energy and painful effort. You see, I have been in the perpetual cycle of grim and gritty energy. Spinning my wheels so hard trying to earn something that is already mine- worth.

I have labored painfully trying to prove myself to the critics, especially the one that used to take up precious, and often limited, headspace.

But, then I learned that proving myself to someone who has never traveled down the road I’m on is not only foolish, it’s a waste of time. The words of others cannot hold weight if they are too afraid to try the things they criticize us for while they play it safe.

I’ve tried it all and then once more. Earn something. Measure up.

I have tried my best, and failed often, with all the painful effort I could muster up. I’ve learned to be faithful knowing that often perfection isn’t a tag-along bonus for showing up and being steady.

Resolute courage means moving beyond all the things that keep you from starting something great.

That book you want to write. That small business you’ve always wanted to open. That blank canvas staring at you with white, blinding emptiness. You know that inside of you is the picture it’s meant to be, but you stand with a dry brush in your hand too afraid to begin.

Wet the brush. Try the thing you’ve always wanted to try and move beyond listening to the many excuses you’re going to come up with keeping you stagnant. There will always be a valid reason to stay the same, resist it.

Moving forward means making mistakes, you can bet on that. Moving forward means looking at ourselves in the mirror and having that “Come to Jesus” meeting we’ve needed for a very long time. It’s it all comes down to one thing standing between us and dream fulfillment- fear.

You, sweet friend, already know what you are supposed to do. You're just waiting for your resolute courage to kick in. Click To Tweet Starting is hard. Begin anyway. Saying your sorry is hard, but say it. Leaving that toxic, abusive relationship is hard. But, better things are waiting on the other side of that risky, undaunted courage.

Moving forward means forgiving others, and don’t forget that you might need to extend that same kindness by forgiving yourself.

Better things are waiting. Those blessings that belong to you still have your name on it. That dream tucked away in your heart does not have an expiration date. But, only you can start it, dream it, walk in it, live it.

Wet the brush. Make some beautiful, messy art and move on to better things.

Much love to you as you begin again,

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