Breaking Busy

Breaking Busy Book. Alli Worthington. If it doesn't add to your life

Just recently I had a health scare, my mind was racing with all the “what ifs” and thoughts about what I would do if I actually got that dreaded diagnosis. Not one time did I say that I would do more and add more to my already full plate. Nope, I told my husband that I was going to quit this and that other thing I hate…because I refuse to waste my days.


And even though I was scared to death, I felt peace at the thought of a lighter load.


On Friday when I got the news that I was going to be just fine, I wondered why I couldn’t just quit those things that I wanted to quit.


Why couldn’t I make those changes, what was stopping me?


I asked myself some pretty tough questions and asked God to help me to spend my days well on what really mattered. After all, God hasn’t called me to be busy. He has called me to be faithful.


I just finished reading a book called Breaking Busy by Alli Worthington, truth be told I thought I might be too busy to actually finish it. But, I knew this book was for me. I made the time because that’s what you do; you carve out sacred space because you are ready to listen. But, more than that, you are desperate for change. And that, my friends, is where I’m living.



“We’ve convinced ourselves that busy is a badge of honor.”



One line just summed up my life right now. I wear busy like a label and because of that I also wear, “I’m so tired.” And, it’s not just me feeling this way…it’s everyone.


We are tired.


Feeling a little bit empty.


Frustrated and wondering if this is it. Because you don’t like this, not even a little.


Chronically forgetful and late.


We are living in the land of crazy busy and if you feel anything like me, you are ready to move.


Alli’s book helped me pack a few bags and really think about all the noise in my life.


What I loved about the book is that the author lived busy and was broken because of busy. Alli gets us- the Crazy Busy Girls. Each chapter ended with action steps, just a few helpful tips to walk you through making a change that will last. She addresses the fact that we all have a capacity and it’s different from everyone else’s, it’s uniquely ours and up to us to figure out if we are maxed out by the signs our body gives us.


This part had me at hello.


Inability to control emotion (Nailed it. I pretty much say I want to throat-punch someone every other day and I’m typically sweet natured. Except for when I’m not.)


Lack of self care (This is a hit or miss for me. I rotate which days I’m going to look like I’ve completely given up on life and which days I’m going to rock the winged eyeliner.)


Illness (I’m pretty sure my head hurts…)


Chronic lateness (Don’t even get me started. But, I apologize to you in advance for showing up late and not ugly. Right now, it’s either or.)


Self-medicating (Crap. You mean I can’t have a cupcake everyday? That’s just mean.)


Neglecting important relationships (Sigh)


Neglecting our relationship with God (Ouch)


I think these are some really important things to think about and the main reason why I needed to read a book to address my chronic busyness so I could walk in the purpose that I know God has for me.


I needed to read this, and I’m pretty sure you do too.



*I’m giving away a copy of Breaking Busy to one of my readers, if you haven’t signed up for my blog it only takes a few seconds. Once you’ve subscribed leave a comment and I will randomly pick from those of you who comment on my blog and Facebook page. If you’ve already subscribed, just let me know in the comments.*


Much love to you!


Breaking Busy book.10 10 10 analysis.. Alli Worthington



I received a copy of this book from Zondervan in exchange for my thoughts and opinions on Breaking Busy.




0 thoughts on “Breaking Busy

  1. I need this book- Jennifer much like you. Loved your statement – God calls us to be faithful not busy! it\’s as if we need His voice whispering to our hearts ( in my case shouting ) because otherwise I won\’t hear over my \”busy stuff\” // that I – GOD created you as a human being – not a human doing. So \”Be\” reside in me. /-blessings on receiving God\’s grace not a to-do list.

  2. Love this!! I\’m pretty sure this book would slap me upside the head. I\’ve always said my theme song could be \”I\’m just the girl who can\’t say no\” from Oklahoma because I have always struggled with taking on too much. Working on that now. 😊 Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. I am the type of person that doesn\’t do well when I am not busy every minute of the day. I think I need to read this book.

  4. I have heard so many great things about this book, but your review really gave me a glimpse inside the cover. I am excited to get a copy for myself soon (once I get through the hectic book launch season…it seems like every author I know is releasing a book in the next month!). Blessings to you!

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