I Used To Be Fun On Friday

tired girl

I used to be fun on Friday, I really did. I always had something on the calendar and something fun to look forward to.

But..I’m tired now, or at least I’m 99.8% sure I will be tonight.

Seriously, someone asked me what my favorite part of the day was and I said, “When I’m not wearing pants.” I actually said that out loud with absolutely no shame at all.

I rush home from work and change out of my “business casual” clothes to my “you couldn’t even wear this to shop at Wal-mart” clothes and feel completely fine with that. No- I’m not just fine with that…I stinking love it.

Last Friday I wasn’t lame, I actually went out with a group of my writer friends who are ALL introverts. All of them. I told them about my friend, Renee, and our idea for “I Used to Be Fun On Friday” and they were all like, “Me too. I used to be fun..” Which I already knew because some of them back out on our “fun” nights to make out with a gallon of ice cream. I get it, sister, you are completely off the hook.

So, my introverted writer friends and I decided every Friday of the month we are going to get together and be fun. Why? Because we love each other, we need our weirdo tribe, and we have so much to offer each other and sometimes we forget that.

I’m teaming up with my soul sister, Renee, to chat about aging and introverting and all the reasons why we should embrace it, but also to encourage all of us to take time for those life-giving relationships. You really can make a date and break up with your pajamas for one night.

I’m done with saying I’m tired all the time, although I probably still will. But, somehow I want to replace it with how I feel about my life…I love it. I love my lame days and my fun days and even my all-the-way-jacked-up days because they are mine and they are a gift.

I thought every Friday we would post something completely ridiculous, and by that I mean completely awesome and awkward and something a little less bloggy.

We do have a reason to get together with our friends and celebrate, so I’m going to get creative and challenge y’all to do the same.

A word from my fabulous friend, Renee Griffin

0 thoughts on “I Used To Be Fun On Friday

  1. The very happy news for you busy tired crazy mommas,workers, is that someday everyday will be \’no pressure\’ day and your life be be sane, boring and still blessed as you enter another phase of life. Embrace your tired Friday\’s and I\’ll pray for understanding husbands for you. Love your blogs!!!!

    1. Thanks, Esther! We are having way too much fun writing this series and finding a way to bring other women together and say \”cheers\” to ice cream for dinner on a Friday night and trading high heels for fuzzy socks! 😉

  2. Somehow my tantalizing Friday might plans of joining the hubs, the in-laws and my step son to watch a community presentation of Mary Poppins, in-who-knows-where Florida was scrubbed for a 6 hour visit with the in-laws to the ER. I couldn\’t wait to grab some Chinese take out and curl up in my yoga pants while watching Finding Nemo. #UsedToBeFunOnFridays

  3. Can I just tell you…THANK YOU for you girls being transparent! I love the grace you give but also the encouragement to step outside your comfort zone! ❤️ I needed these words from you two!

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