There Has To Be More #livefreeThursday

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Everyone feels this stirring inside of them at one time or another…there has to be more.


This stirring of the soul comes in the form of salty questions, unmet expectations, and the deepest ache from searching in all the wrong places.

Most of the time we don’t know what “more” looks like or how it even feels.

For a few men each day looked the same, same boat, same body of water, same people trying to make ends meet.

They were probably told that they wouldn’t amount to much. Perhaps after sitting in a boat day-after-day fishing to earn a living, they started to believe it.

When we invite Jesus into our everyday norm and even our everyday lack, we learn what more really looks like. Most of the time it has nothing to do with what we bring to the table, but everything to do with our obedience.

Our hope is anchored in things we can’t see, the “I am” making vast circles encompassing everything we need soul provision for.

When Jesus called his first disciples, he climbed into an empty boat and knew exactly what to do with the guy who kept coming up short.

Jesus told Simon Peter, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” (Luke 5: 4)

Into the deep, beyond what they could see, was abundant provision for what they needed. But, it was more than that. Jesus told Simon Peter to go into the deep because his purpose, his more, was waiting there.

Two boats full later, Simon Peter had a new mission and purpose in life. You would think he would have been overjoyed by the abundance, but it scared him and made him feel unworthy to be in the boat with Jesus.

“Don’t be afraid, from now on you will be fishers of men.”

When I think of Simon Peter at that time in his life, I think of a man who only knew part of his purpose. He knew he was supposed to be catching something.

I’m working on a project right now that is looking much like a mirror for my heart right now. God keeps calling me out into deep and my faith is anchored in Him, but I can’t see what is waiting for me on the other side of my obedience. But, I know my purpose and soul provision is there.

Sometimes my boat feels empty and at other times it’s so full that I’m sure I’ll sink.

God is my anchor.

My water.

My boat.

Maybe you feel like you are in an empty boat right now, you have no clue what’s next or even what your “more” looks like.

Go deep in the Word and let your faith take deeper roots, this will be your anchor.

You know that feeling that there has to be more?

It’s because there is more and we will never find it in shallow places. Our “more” will always be found in the deep.

Much love,


Linking up with my big sis, Suzie today for #livefreeThursday

0 thoughts on “There Has To Be More #livefreeThursday

  1. I needed this today! I am going through a divorce and selling my house. I\’m not sure where my kids and I will be moving. Definitely a great reminder.. thanks!

  2. What a beautiful picture of God as anchor of our soul. This right here:
    \”It’s because there is more and we will never find it in shallow places. Our “more” will always be found in the deep.\”
    Better than golden. Thank you for wonderful encouraging words straight from the Lord, Jennifer 😄 Blessings to you on this good day!

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