I Don’t Have My New Year’s Resolution, Or a One Word

One Word?-4

I look down at my calendar noticing the white space, I jot down dates and obligations realizing that soon this fresh page will be filled with opportunities for ministry, connecting, and a few things I really don’t want to do.

It’s the first Monday in January, just five days into the New Year, and everyone is making lists. Lists that will make them feel guilty. Lists that might make them feel a little more productive. Lists that will make them feel like this business of producing never, ever stops.

They even have their “one word” picked out for the year like peace or abundance. And I’m over here trying to find one word to sum up four words. Try not to suck (Um, how about?) Focus on what matters.

I don’t have a list this year, but a challenge of sorts for us to refuse meaningless striving.

Instead of validation, may we seek to be available to God, to others, and whatever that may look like.

That we could look at our circle of influence differently, perhaps even make it smaller. That we could start in our homes, working outward to our jobs, churches, and community. And if by chance we can only manage one of those things in our circle; that we would know that one thing was enough.

That we would not seek the approval of others and waste time on that bottomless pit of people pleasing, but instead seek time to feel the loving, correcting hand of God in our lives.

That we would no longer throw out the words, “I don’t have the time.” And replace them with the knowledge that we make time for whatever is truly important to us.

No more measuring sticks, just measureless grace for others and for us.

No more dreading what may happen, just take it day-by-day, sometimes even minute-by-minute.

No more beating yourself up, or talking bad about people who might sin differently than you. Because we all have our things and we are all painfully aware of what we need to be working on.

No more records of wrongs and pathetic grudges.

There is no room for growth in our lives and for hate, we have to pick which one we are going to focus on.

We can cry, let go, and forgive. Repeating those steps as often as we need to.

My prayer is that grace will fill our lungs, hope will flood our hearts, and that we persistently trust in the unseen and mighty things of God. That we will pray more than we complain and love each other even when it’s not easy. And because we never know what’s next for us, we will focus on taking one obedient footstep after the other.

May our focus remain on who we are becoming instead of what we produce. 

Much love,








0 thoughts on “I Don’t Have My New Year’s Resolution, Or a One Word

  1. Well I love this! What a wonderful message! Especially when most other wonderful writers are making blog posts asking for us to share our \”one word\” for the New Year which is fine but this is a welcomed fresh look at the tradition, you\’ve written here Jennifer and it\’s definitely got me thinking! 🙂 God bless you in your writing ministry! Happy New Year! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Alexis! I had a \”one word\” last year and it was very significant to me. I think it\’s a wonderful thing to do…but, I wanted to approach this year a little differently. Happy New Year to you! Hugs.

  2. Jennifer, this is so powerful. I so needed this today! I love how God has placed you in your sphere of influence. Meaning, He uses you to influence, encourage, and inspire. Thank you for allowing Yahweh to use you. I thank Yahweh for placing you in my life.

  3. I love the being available to God! That\’s most important – for Him to be free to change our \”plans,\” words we pick or whatever. Great job!

  4. I love the part about being available to God! That\’s the best thing – allowing God freedom to change our plans, our word, our circles as He decides. Great job! Love it.

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